SendCompany24HourBeforeInterview Email Text

SendCompany24HourBeforeInterview Email Text

string subject = "Upcoming Interviews"; string body = $"Hello Recruiters!<br/><br/>" + $"<p>Please share the following reminders with anyone attending your upcoming CSU CM On-Campus interviews:</p>" + $"<ol>" + $"<li><strong>LOCATION:</strong> Unless otherwise noted on your schedule, " + $"interviews will be held on the 3rd Floor of our Preconstruction Building" + $" – <strong>doors open at 8am.</strong> If you arrive early – there is a <a href='https://www.mugsfortcollins.com/mugsatcsu'>nice little coffee " + $"shop</a> on the corner of Howes & Laurel you can enjoy while you wait." + $"</li>" + $"<li><strong>MAP & DIRECTIONS:</strong> A map and directions to our buildings and " + $"parking lots are available on the <a href='https://apps.chhs.colostate.edu/cmjobs/company/login/'>CMJobs company login page</a> in the right-hand gray " + $"box under ‘Important Information’. " + $"<li><strong>PARKING PERMIT:</strong> Please follow " + $"<a href='https://colostate-my.sharepoint.com/personal/afontana_colostate_edu/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fafontana%5Fcolostate%5Fedu%2FDocuments%2FCMJobs%20Files%2FCM%20ParkMobile%20Instructions%2Epdf&parent=%2Fpersonal%2Fafontana%5Fcolostate%5Fedu%2FDocuments%2FCMJobs%20Files&ct=1661454599770&or=Outlook%2DBody&cid=9F869307%2D0D06%2D4C6C%2DB5D1%2D64FA28EC4A9A&ga=1'>these instructions</a> to register your vehicle on the day of your " + $"interviews BEFORE you leave your car. If you are having issues " + $"with the ParkMobile App or instructions, please park and head to " + $"your interview room to request a physical permit.</li>" + $"<li><strong>ROOMS:</strong> Interview rooms will have a company sign by " + $"the door – no room numbers. Students are asked to wait in the waiting " + $"area until they are called. Once you are ready for them, please make " + $"your way to the waiting area and invite them in.</li>" + $"<li><strong>INTERVIEW SCHEDULES:</strong> We will provide a copy of your interview schedule, however <em>" + $"however please check your schedule for any last minute changes/cancellations. </em><strong>" + $"Access your schedule now by logging in to CMJobs with your company " + $"login code {company.CompanyLoginCode} </strong>- In the top green menu bar, " + $"select ‘Interviews’ then ‘My Interview Schedule’.</li>" + $"<li><strong>STUDENT RESUMES:</strong> While we encourage students to bring their " + $"resume with them, things happen. Please printout and bring copies of the student " + $"resumes. Most resumes will be available from your <a href='https://apps.chhs.colostate.edu/cmjobs/company/login/'>CMJobs</a> schedule – at the top-right " + $"of your schedule, click on the ‘Print’ drop-down, then ‘View/Print All Resumes’</li>" + $"</ol>" + $"" + $"<p>Let us know if you have any questions. Thank you and see you soon!</p><br/>" + $"<span>Anna Fontana</span>" + $"<br/><span><a href='mailto:Anna.Fontana@colostate.edu'>Anna.Fontana@colostate.edu</a></span><br/><br/>" + $"<span>Khristy Jesse</span>" + $"<br/>" + $"<span><a href='mailto:Khristy.Jesse@colostate.edu'>Khristy.Jesse@colostate.edu</a></span>";