SendPreSelectionFinalReminderEmails Email Text

SendPreSelectionFinalReminderEmails Email Text

string subject = $"REMINDER - CSU CM Interview Preselect Candidates needed: {company.CompanyName} Interview Date: {interviewDates}"; string prebody = $"<p>Reminder that we need you to login to our <a href='https://apps.chhs.colostate.edu/cmjobs/company/login/'>CMJobs Recruiting Portal</a> using your " + $"Company Login Code {company.CompanyLoginCode} to review and select your desired interview candidates ASAP. " + $"<strong>Be sure to check both ‘Manage My Intern Pre-Select List’ and ‘Manage my Senior Pre-Select List’ " + $"for any potential candidates. In addition, you may add any CSU student from your interactions " + $"at the career fair, CMJobs Postings, Club Events, or other contact by using the green button in the top right labeled 'Add Candidate to Pre-Select List'.</strong></p>" + $"<p>Once your session closes, candidates will be notified that they have been selected to interview " + $"with your company. Students will have 48-hours to select an interview time. You will be able to review your " + $"schedule via the <a href='https://apps.chhs.colostate.edu/CMJobs'>CMJobs site</a>. <strong>After selecting your candidates, we recommend you reach out to them directly" + $" and encourage them to sign-up on your schedule via <a href='https://apps.chhs.colostate.edu/CMJobs'>CMJobs</a>.</strong></p>"; string body = $"<strong>You are confirmed for the following</strong>: <br/><br/>" + $"Interview Date: {interviewDates}<br/>" + $"Interview Location: {interviewRooms}<br/>"; string bodyBottom = $"<p><em>If you require <strong>interview accommodations</strong> as specified by the ADA, Americans " + $"with Disabilities Act, please let us know as our standard interview rooms are on the third floor and " + $"are not accessible via the elevator. </em></p>" + $"<p>Unless otherwise noted, interviews will be held in the Preconstruction 3rd Floor Recruiting Center. A map with directions is available on the My Interviews page of the CMJobs site. " + $"Unless previously requested, most interview schedules begin at 8:30 or 9am with 30-minute interviews and an hour break at noon.</p>" + $"<p><strong>Please be aware of the following Recruiting Guidelines:</strong></p>" + $"<p>The Department of Construction Management follows the University Career Center and National Association of " + $"Colleges and Employers Principles for Professional Conduct in Student Hiring. Please be aware of the following " + $"guidelines when recruiting our students:</p>" + $"<p><strong>Extending Offers </strong></p>" + $"<p>We ask that employers convey decisions to candidates within a reasonable time frame and communicate that time frame to candidates. " + $"As a general rule, employers should give students a minimum of two weeks from the date the written offer is made to make their decision.</p>" + $"<p><strong>Rescinded Offers </strong></p>" + $"<p>If conditions change and require your company to rescind an offer made to a student, " + $"we ask that you contact the CM Placement Office prior to taking any action. If after discussions with the Placement Office, " + $"the offer is rescinded, we ask that you pursue a course of action for the affected candidate that is fair and equitable, including (but not limited to)" + $" financial assistance and outplacement services.</p>" + $"<p><strong>Please visit our webpage to review our <a href = 'https://www.chhs.colostate.edu/cm/employer-code-of-conduct-for-recruiting/'>Employer Code of Conduct for Recruiting</a>.</strong></p>" + $"<p>If you have any concerns with your schedule or any questions about the process, please contact us. " + $"We look forward to seeing you on campus on your scheduled interview date and thank you for your support of our program!</p><br/><br/>" + $"Phelps Placement Office<br/>" + $"&nbsp; Anna Fontana: (970) 491-4610, Anna.Fontana@colostate.edu<br/>" + $"&nbsp; Khristy Jesse: (970) 491-1060, Khristy.Jesse@colostate.edu <br/><br/>" + $"<a href = 'https://www.chhs.colostate.edu/cm'>www.cm.colostate.edu</a></br>" + $"1584 Campus Delivery</br>" + $"Fort Collins, CO 80523-1584"; if (company.InformationMeeting) { string infoMeetingDatesTimes = $"Information Meeting Date and Time: {company.InformationMeetingDateTime.Value.ToLongDateString()} at {company.InformationMeetingDateTime.Value.ToShortTimeString()}<br/>" + $"Information Meeting Location: {company.InformationMeetingLocation?.Name}"; body = prebody + body + infoMeetingDatesTimes + bodyBottom; } else { body = prebody + body + bodyBottom; }