SendPreSelectionNoticeEmails Email Text
SendPreSelectionNoticeEmails Email Text
string subject =
$"CSU CM Interview Preselect Candidates Ready for Review: {company.CompanyName} Date: {interviewDates}";
string body = $"Thank you for participating in our upcoming on-campus interviews! Your potential interview candidates will be ready to review beginning {openTime.ToLongDateString()} at {openTime.ToShortTimeString()} <br/><br/>" +
$"<strong>You are confirmed for the following</strong> <br/><br/>" +
$"Interview Date: {interviewDates}<br/>" +
$"Interview Location: {interviewRooms}<br/>";
string bodyBottom =
$"<p><em>If you require <strong>interview accommodations</strong> as specified by the ADA, Americans " +
$"with Disabilities Act, please let us know as our standard interview rooms are on the third floor and " +
$"are not accessible via the elevator. </em></p>" +
$"<p>Unless previously requested, most interview schedules begin at 8:30 or 9am with 30-minute interviews and an hour break at noon." +
$" Final start/stop times will be based on the number of candidates selected. If you have specific scheduling/break requests, please let us " +
$"know before finalizing your candidates so that we can adjust your schedule prior to inviting students to sign up.</p>" +
$"<p><strong>PLEASE NOTE: You have 48-hours to complete your interview candidate and alternate selections.</strong></p>" +
$"<p>Please log in to our <a href='https://apps.chhs.colostate.edu/cmjobs/company/login/'>CMJobs Recruiting Portal</a> using your Company Login Code ({company.CompanyLoginCode}) to review and select your desired " +
$"interview candidates and alternates in the 'Interviews' section. In addition to the students listed under ‘Manage My Intern Pre-Select List’ &/or ‘Manage my Full Time Pre-Select List’ you " +
$"may add any CSU student from your interactions at the career fair, CMJobs Postings, Club Events, or other contact using the green button in the top right labeled 'Add Candidate to Pre-Select List'.<p>" +
$"<p>After 48-hours, your session will close and candidates will be notified they have been selected to interview with your company. " +
$"Students will have 48-hours to select an interview time. You will be able to review your schedule via the <a href='https://apps.chhs.colostate.edu/CMJobs'>CMJobs site</a>. " +
$"<strong>We highly encourage you to contact your top candidates with an invitation to sign-up as well.</strong> " +
$"If you do so, please ask them to sign up via <a href='https://apps.chhs.colostate.edu/CMJobs'>CMJobs</a>.</p>" +
$"<p><strong>Please visit our webpage to review our <a href = 'https://www.chhs.colostate.edu/cm/employer-code-of-conduct-for-recruiting/'>Employer Code of Conduct for Recruiting</a>.</strong></p>" +
$"<p>If you have any concerns with your schedule or any questions about the process, please contact us. " +
$"We look forward to seeing you on campus on your scheduled interview date and thank you for your support of our program!</p><br/><br/>" +
$"Phelps Placement Office<br/>" +
$" Anna Fontana: (970) 491-4610, Anna.Fontana@colostate.edu<br/>" +
$" Khristy Jesse: (970) 491-1060, Khristy.Jesse@colostate.edu <br/><br/>" +
$"<a href = 'https://www.chhs.colostate.edu/cm'>www.cm.colostate.edu</a></br>" +
$"1584 Campus Delivery</br>" +
$"Fort Collins, CO 80523-1584";
if (company.InformationMeeting)
string infoMeetingDatesTimes =
$"Information Meeting Date and Time: {company.InformationMeetingDateTime.Value.ToLongDateString()} at {company.InformationMeetingDateTime.Value.ToShortTimeString()}<br/>" +
$"Information Meeting Location: {company.InformationMeetingLocation?.Name}";
body = body + infoMeetingDatesTimes + bodyBottom;
body = body + bodyBottom;