SendJobAnnouncementExpirationEmails Email Text

SendJobAnnouncementExpirationEmails Email Text

string subject = "CSU CMJobs Position Announcement Expiring Soon"; string emailBody = $"Please note that your {jobPosting.PositionTitle} Position posted to Colorado State University's CMJobs on-line job board" + $" is about to expire. If you are still actively seeking candidates for this position, please login to CMJobs using your " + $"Company Login Code {jobPosting.Company.CompanyLoginCode} to extend the deadline of your posting. If you are no longer " + $"accepting applications for this position, there is no need to do anything. The posting will be removed " + $"automatically in {Math.Truncate(totalDays)} days. <br/><br/>Thank you for your interest in " + $"Construction Management students at Colorado State University.<br/><br/>For additional " + $"information on recruiting CSU CM Students, please visit our website.<br/><br/>Thank you,<br/>Placement Office<br/>Department of Construction Management<br/>Colorado State University";