SendInterviewOfferNotification Email Text
SendInterviewOfferNotification Email Text
string subject =
$"NOTIFICATION: {company.CompanyName} has invited you to interview on {interviewDates}";
string body =
$"<p style='color: red'>Congratulations, you have been preselected to interview with {company.CompanyName}!</p>" +
$"<p>To accept this interview <a href='{scheduleUrl}'>click here</a> within the next 48-hours to schedule your interview time, or to decline it <a href='{declineUrl}'>click here</a>.</p>" +
$"<p>Please note, if you accept an interview and there is an Informational Meeting, it will be noted below and is considered mandatory that you attend or notify the company directly of any conflicts.</p>" +
$"Interview Date: {interviewDates}<br/>" +
$"Interview Location: {interviewRooms}</br>";
string endBody = "<p style='color: red'>Recommended attire for Interviews is a suit, business casual for Info Sessions.</p>" +
"<p>Congratulations again and good luck!</p>" +
"<p>Please contact the CM Placement Office with any questions or concerns,</p>" +
"Anna Fontana<br/>(970) 491-4610<br/>Anna.Fontana@colostate.edu<br/><br/>" +
"Khristy Jesse<br/>(970) 491-1060<br/>Khristy.Jesse@colostate.edu";