How To Switch Camp Session Enrollment

How To Switch Camp Session Enrollment

This document explains how to switch an existing camp enrollment prior to the camp session starting. Camp session modifications are allowed up to a week before your current camp session begins.

Step by Step Guide

Login to Your Account

Begin by logging into your Youth Sport Camps account at the Youth Sport Camps registration website. After logging in you, find the camp you want to modify, either from the dashboard or from your summer camp purchases screen.

Once you’ve found the camp you want to modify, click the Switch/Modify camp session button, directly below the cancel button.

Please note that modification is only allowed up to a week from the camp session starting. If your camp session starts within a week you will not be able to see this button and you are not able to switch sessions through the website. Contact the Youth Sport Camps office for more information or questions on how to switch with less than a week remaining.


Select a New Camp/Session

On the modify camp session screen select the camp and session you’d like to switch to.

In order to switch to a new camp session the camp session you are moving to must be priced at the same or higher level. The camper must also meet the age requirements for the new camp.


After you’ve made your choice, click Enroll.

Your camper should now be in the new camp, and it should be immediately reflected in your camp enrollment on the website.