How to Register for a Denver/SPUR Campus Camp

How to Register for a Denver/SPUR Campus Camp

This document will explain how to sign up for a Youth Sport Camp at our Denver/SPUR campus.


  1. First, in order to be able to register for a camp at our SPUR campus in Denver you must apply for, and receive, a special digital code, which you will need to register for the camp. Each digital code is good to enroll one child in one camp. If you want to enroll multiple children, or enroll in multiple camps, you’ll need a code for each one of those.

  2. Once you have your digital code(s), you’ll need to first start by registering for a parent account on the Youth Sport Camps website located at https://apps.chhs.colostate.edu/yscregistration/account/login?ReturnUrl=%2Fyscregistration

  3. Once you have a parent account established, you’ll need to add your campers. To do so, follow the following instructions. Make sure that you sign the Denver SPUR campus waiver and not the Fort Collins waiver. How to Add Campers

  4. After you have completed the waiver and setup your campers, its time register for camps. To register click the “Register for Camps” button on your parent dashboard, or the link in the website navigation.

  5. Find the session you want to enroll in, click “Enroll”

  6. Select the camper you want to enroll in the session, and enter the digital code in the box. Then, select “Add to Cart”. Note, if you want to enroll multiple campers, add them one at a time.

  7. Click “Proceed to Checkout”.

  8. If everything looks good, click “Complete Checkout”


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