How to Add a Company Contact

How to Add a Company Contact

Step-by-step guide

Click on "Manage Company Contacts".

Here you will see a list of your current company contacts. Click on "Create Company Contact" on the right side of the page.

Fill out the form with the new contact's information. You can make them an active contact with the check box next to "Active". When finished, click "Save Contact".

Managing Company Contacts

Click on "Manage Company Contacts". Here you will see a list of all current contacts. Find the contact you want to edit and click on the "Actions" drop down to the right side of their information.

Here you will see a list of all current contacts. Find the contact you want to edit and click on the "Actions" drop down to the right side of their information then click "Edit".

Edit the contact's information in the form then click "Save Contact".

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