Connecting to CHHS Lab Computers

Connecting to CHHS Lab Computers


Instructions detailed below on how to connect to a CHHS Lab Computer on both Windows and Macintosh Computers. Before beginning these steps please refer to Remote Access to CHHS Computer Labs and double check you meet all of the requirements for connecting remotely.

From a Windows Computer

To view these instructions as a video, please see: updated video coming soon.

  1. Launch Global Protect and connect

    1. If you need assistance with setting up Global Protect click here!

    2. We recommend using the Desktop Agent

  2. Open a web browser and navigate to https://remoteaccess.labstats.com/colorado-state-university-fort-collins

  3. Select a lab computer and click “Connect”

  4. Click Download and then launch the file. This will automatically launch the Remote Desktop Connection for the specified computer.

  5. Click “Connect” when presented with the Remote Desktop Connection security window.

  6. Select “More Choices” when prompted to sign in.

  7. Select “Use a different account”


  8. Sign in with your COLOSTATE\eID Name and your CSU eID password.

    1. Note: This is the same username and password you use to sign in to the labs regularly, but you must add “COLOSTATE\” in front of your eID Name.

  9. Click “Yes” when asked if you would like to connect anyway.

  10. You are now connected to a lab computer. When you are done you must sign off, closing your remote desktop window will not sign you off!

    1. Either:

      1. Double-click the Log Off icon on the desktop, or

      2. Click the Windows Start button in the lower left corner > click the User icon > click “Sign out”

From a Mac Computer

NOTE: When connecting to a lab computer from a Mac you must run the Remote Desktop in Fullscreen. Minimizing the window or making it smaller will not resize the Windows Desktop.

To view these instructions as a video, please see: updated video coming soon.

  1. Install the Windows App for Mac (formerly named Microsoft Remote Desktop app)

    1. This program allows you to remotely connect to CHHS Lab Computers.

    2. You only need to install this program, no additional configuration is required.

  2. Launch Global Protect and connect

    1. If you need assistance with setting up Global Protect click here!

  3. Open a web browser and navigate to https://remoteaccess.labstats.com/colorado-state-university-fort-collins

  4. Select a lab computer and click “Connect”

  5. Click Download and then launch the file. This will automatically launch the Remote Desktop Connection for the specified computer.

  6. Microsoft Remote Desktop will launch and prompt you to sign in. Sign in with your COLOSTATE\eID Name and your CSU eID password.

    1. Note: This is the same username and password you use to sign in to the labs regularly, but you must add “COLOSTATE\” in front of your eID Name.

  7. When asked if you wish to continue click “Continue”

  8. You are now connected to a lab computer. When you are done you must sign off, closing your remote desktop window will not sign you off!

    1. Either:

      1. Double-click the Log Off icon on the desktop, or

      2. Click the Windows Start button in the lower left corner > click the User icon > click “Sign out”


Common Issues

For instructions and guides on how to troubleshoot some common issues, including problems connecting to lab computers, see Common Issues with Remote Access to Labs

If you have questions not answered in this guide or need additional support, please contact the CHHS Helpdesk at chhshelpdesk@colostate.edu

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