How to use the RDC Epson Scanner

How to use the RDC Epson Scanner

  1. Login to the computer station located to the right of the scanner and launch the Epson Scan 2 app.

  2. Carefully open the lid to the glass surface.

  3. Place your document with the content facing down and aligned with the top left corner and carefully close the lid.

  4. If scanning a regular document edit the Main Settings to fit your needs. It may help to click “Preview” at the bottom before editing the settings to see the effects.

    1. Document Size: Match your document size, or leave on Auto Detect

    2. Image Type: Color, Grayscale, or Black & White

    3. Resolution: Measured in dpi (dots per inch), controls the amount of detail captured in your scans. Increasing the dpi raises the amount of detail captured but will increase the file size.

      1. For email, view on a computer screen, or posting on the web: 96 to 150 dpi

      2. For print, fax, convert to editable text, or create a text searchable PDF: 200 to 300 dpi

      3. If you plan to enlarge a scanned image so you can print it at a larger size, increase the resolution by the same amount you will increase the image size to retain a high image quality. For example, if you normally scan your image in its original size at 300 dpi but plan to double the image size later, change the Resolution setting to 600 dpi. If you are scanning long documents, you may not be able to scan above 300 dpi.

    4. Rotate: Degree by which to rotate the content. You can utilize the preview function to see the effect.

    5. Correct Document Skew: Corrects skewed originals, image contents, or both.

    6. You can also edit the Advanced Settings for more fine-tuned changes.

  5. If scanning a photo, first change the Mode to “Photo Mode”. Click preview at the bottom before editing settings.

    1. Image type: Color or Grayscale

    2. Resolution: Scan quality measured in dpi. See 4.c above for more information.

    3. You can also edit the Advanced Settings for more fine-tuned changes.

  6. Once your settings are set, edit your desired Image Format and File name at the bottom of Epson Scan 2

  7. Scanning defaults to the local Documents folder, which will be deleted after you log off of the computer. Be sure in the drop-down menu to click “Select…” to open the folder browser. It is recommended you save the document to a network location such as your M: drive, or your course’s S: drive folder. These can be found by expanding “This PC” which should reveal network drive locations.

  8. Click Scan and your document will be scanned and the save location will automatically open. Be sure to inspect the saved file for any errors.


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