CCure Card Access Management Software

CCure Card Access Management Software


The university uses CCure to manage card access and related doors and clearances on campus. To gain access to manage card access, a department must request access through Facilities. Once access is granted, the user can then manage their assigned clearances and doors through the CCure Administration Workstation software.

The CCure software is available on CHHS' Citrix environment. Once given access, users will see the “Camera, Card Access Desktop” after logging into the Citrix web interface and be able to launch the desktop within a web browser and use the CCure Administration Workstation software.

How to access CCure on Citrix

  1. Make sure Facilities has already granted access to manage card access in CCure.

  2. Request the CHHS Helpdesk grant you access to the “Camera, Card Access Desktop.”

  3. Log in to Citrix and launch the “Camera, Card Access Desktop” by following the instructions at Connecting to Citrix using a Internet Browser - CHHS Helpdesk Knowledge Base - Confluence (atlassian.net).

  4. Launch the CCURE Administration Workstation software.

If you have questions not answered in this guide or need additional support, please contact the CHHS Helpdesk at chhshelpdesk@colostate.edu

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