Site Settings

Site Settings

There are several items listed under Settings, if you see something in WordPress that is not mentioned here, we never mess with that particular setting (general and writing are two such items).


Since we don’t build new sites in a staging environment, we want to make sure search engines aren’t indexing our site as we build it out.

  • Under the Reading Settings

  • Check the box at the bottom

  • Click “Save Changes”

Be sure to uncheck this after the site is live

Password Protected

Google Analytics

The Google Analytics + Tag Manager plugin allows you to enter either a GA Tracking or Google Tag Manager ID into the site. We use Google Tag Manager and our ID is GTM-KN96MT9. This ID is configured with the latest version of the Google Analytics property GA4. The GTM should be entered whenever a new site is created.


The Frontback plugin allows users to send feedback to the developers. A feedback button is displayed at the bottom right side of the screen. Feedback is sent to NewCity’s GitLab repository. Currently only displayed for logged-in users. This feature was really only used during pre-launch and for a few months post-launch. We tend to post Issues directly to GitLab.

WP Media Folder

This is the settings area for the WP Media Folder. We typically configure the plugin with the default settings.


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