Performance Feedback Tutorial - Adding Questions

Performance Feedback Tutorial - Adding Questions

Survey Actions

Before we get started adding questions to our survey, let’s take a moment to see what actions we can currently take on our survey as it hasn’t been sent out yet.

On each survey you can click the Actions drop down.

For each survey you are able to go to:

Details → This is the page where you will view and add questions

Preview Email → You can preview the email that respondents will see by clicking this.

Edit → Up until the survey goes out, we can edit it.

Delete → Up until the survey goes out, we can delete it.

Adding Questions

A critical part of any survey are the various questions you’ll be asking. To get started with questions, click Actions → Details.

There are a few different question types, and you can view in even more detail on our questions page (What are Question Types? )

We’ll add a question of each type on our survey to cover all the bases.

Let’s go ahead and add our first question. Click Add New Question. I am going to select the Agree/Disagree question type. This question type presents the user with a range of answers on an agree/disagree spectrum.

With all questions we can choose to make it required, or enable comments. Once you are done, click save.

Next, I am going to add a multiple choice with two possible answers. To add each possible answer enter it into the box, and click Add Option.

Next, I’ll add a number range question allowing responses by default from 1 to 10. You can change these values if you wish.

Next, we’ll add a text-based question.

Finally, we’ll add a Yes/No question.

After creating our questions, it’s a good idea to preview the survey to make sure it is setup the way we want. To do so, click Preview Survey.

By default, we use your own user account as the survey respondent. Additionally, every survey asks for employment status regardless of survey question or type.

If we are satisfied with how our survey looks click Save and Exit. You’ll be directed back to your survey questions page where you can edit your survey if you wish.

Once you are happy with how your survey looks it is time to setup the subject (who the survey is about) and your respondents (who will receive the survey). Proceed to Performance Feedback Tutorial - Creating Survey Instances


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