Performance Feedback Tutorial - Respondents View

Performance Feedback Tutorial - Respondents View


On the first day your survey opens respondents will get an email message about the surveys they need to fill out. Included will be the description of your survey, a link, the time the survey closes, and a list of subjects that the respondents need to respond to. In this case I am going to need to respond to four surveys about co-workers.

To get started on my surveys, I can click the link included in the email.

I’ll be presented with a list of surveys to complete, along with the ability to decline each survey. As I complete surveys, they will show on the left sidebar in either my completed or declined.

Now that our survey has been sent out, and at least one response has been collected we can take a peak at what our result sets might look like.

We can now proceed to Performance Feedback Tutorial - View Results


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