What are Question Types?

What are Question Types?

There are four types of questions that can be added to a survey.

Text Questions

Text questions are very simple. There is a prompt, and the user is expected to type in an answer. The administrator developing the question only needs to provide a prompt; no further configuration is necessary.

Number Range Questions

Number Range questions ask the user to select a number on a scale. The administrator developing the question must provide a min (minimum) and max (maximum) number. The user filling out the form can then select any number as low as that minimum and as high as that maximum. The default range is between 1 and 10, but you can modify it to better suit the question.

Yes/No Questions

Yes/No questions are very simple. The user has two choices: Yes or No. The administrator developing the question only needs to provide a prompt. Like other types, users can choose not to answer a Yes/No question as long as the administrator does not make the question required.

Multiple Choice Questions

Multiple choice questions allow users to check all items that apply. The administrator developing the question must provide a prompt and all of the options.

Once you’ve selected the multiple choice option from the list, a textbox will appear. Enter the first possible option in the textbox, then click the green Add Option button beneath it or hit the [Enter] key.

Once you’ve done that, the option will appear above the textbox, and the textbox will clear, allowing you to continue adding options. If you’d like to remove an option, click the X on the right side of the option box.


Agree/Disagree question type allows you to quickly setup a multiple choice question that has a very common response. The responses are:

  • Strongly Disagree

  • Disagree

  • Neutral

  • Agree

  • Strongly Agree

  • N/A or not enough information


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