Uploading and Downloading Files to or from Citrix
How to upload and download files from your local computer in Citrix Light version
Once logged in and using Citrix, mouse over and click on the options icon
To Upload A File
To upload files from your local computer to work on in Citrix click the “Upload” option
Navigate to the file you need, select it, and click “Open”
You may then get a message telling you to select a different folder, as you cannot save to the “default” user folder
At that point you can either choose to save the file to your Desktop
Or navigate down This PC to your M drive (or another network drive) to save the file there.
Once you have selected a destination location, click OK. After a few seconds (sometimes slightly longer depending on file size and your internet connection speed) the file will be in the destination location you chose.
To Download a File
To download files from Citrix to work on with your local computer click the “Download” option
Navigate to the file you want to download. Select it, and click open. It will be downloaded to your local computer.
If you have any questions or issues with this guide, please contact the CHHS Helpdesk at chhshelpdesk@colostate.edu.
In This Article
Related Resources
Overview of Citrix: Citrix
CHHS Citrix web page: citrix.chhs.colostate.edu