MS Forms

MS Forms

User view 

  • There are six sections to the application.  The user must complete the required fields in each section before moving to the next. 

  1. Program Overview  

  2. Program Eligibility  

  3. Recipient Requirements 

  4. Student-Parent Information 

  5. Child Information 

  6. Consent 

If the user has any questions along the way, they are instructed to reach out to the CCAMPIS Data Coordinator by emailing CCAMPISInfo@colostate.edu

Admin View 

  • Sign in with your Office 365 account 

  • Click the MS Forms app from the icons on the left  

  • Select the Shared with me tab 

  • Click on the Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) form from the list 



Modify/Add Questions 

Click on the Questions tab. You can create, edit, and delete questions, just scroll down through the form, and make your changes/additions. View Create a form with MS Forms tutorial for more information or watch this quick video - How to use Microsoft Forms. 

View Responses 

Click on the Responses tab. This page will show you a summary of all responses.    

Click on the View results button to view individual responses 


You will see the time it took for each respondent to complete. You can tab through each response. You can also Delete and Print responses

Click on the Open in Excel link to download all results into an Excel spreadsheet