Computer & Projector Issues
Problems with computers and projectors will inevitably come up. It’s not your job to be able to fix all of them, but it is your job to try your best and then escalate the issue as needed.
Consider urgency.
Is this problem actively preventing an instructor from teaching his/her class right now? In that case, this is very urgent! Spend 1-2 minutes trying to fix it yourself, then call the helpdesk, the manager, and an experienced lab op if the others don’t answer.
Is this problem an issue that can wait until tomorrow without terrible consequences? If so, spend 5-10 minutes trying to fix it yourself. Google it. Ask other students. Ask another lab op for help if you can’t figure it out. If you’re still stuck, create a helpdesk ticket, give the ticket number to the student, post it in the Notebook, and apologize for the trouble. The Helpdesk will be in contact with them ASAP.
Check the Notebook for existing fixes and helpdesk tickets.
There may already be documentation of this issue in the Notebook.
There may already be a helpdesk ticket; we don’t want duplicates.
Remain calm, apologize, and do your best.
Even though the problem is most likely not your fault, still apologize for the inconvenience.
Do the best you can to figure out what the problem is and arrive at a solution.
It’s okay if you cannot fix the problem yourself.
Google it.
Simpler issues can often be resolved with a clever Google search.
This is exactly what the Helpdesk will do in most situations.
Ask the senior lab op (or another lab op).
Many issues come up every semester, so it’s likely that the lab op has seen the one you’re dealing with before.
You can also call another lab from the lab phone and ask the lab op there for help.
Restart the computer if appropriate.
There are certain situations where this will obviously not help, but it does often fix the problem.
The Helpdesk will likely ask you to try restarting the computer anyway.
Contact the manager.
Escalate the issue to the person in charge.