Performance Feedback Tutorial Getting Started

Performance Feedback Tutorial Getting Started

Let’s Get Started

For our example, we are going to create a new survey for an employee (Derek) and we will be giving that survey out to 5 other individuals that work with Derek. Additionally, we’ll be setting this up as a peer survey, so each of those respondents will also become the subject in their own survey to other peers.

Create Your Survey

Our first step is to create the survey that we want to administer. Open up the Performance Feedback application and login with your Net Id and password. On this first screen we’ll see any surveys we have made this year, we can also switch to previous years on the left side of the page. I haven’t created any surveys for 2023 so we’ll go ahead and create one by clicking Create Survey.

Once we click Create Survey a new window will pop up allowing us to enter some basic information about our survey.

Survey Name → This is the name of your survey and will be shown to respondents

Description → This is the description of your survey, and it will be sent to respondents in the email they receive. This should be a generic description of the survey and shouldn’t include any names of individuals as you may want to re-use this survey for other employees.

Opens → The date at which this survey opens and when respondents get their first email.

Closes → The date at which the survey closes

Remind Respondents This Many Days Before Closing → Optionally, you can elect to remind your respondents to fill out this survey a few days before it is closed. Enter the amount of days in this box.

It is important to note that once the survey opens this information can no longer be edited.

As an example, my completed survey form looks like this:

Once you are ready to move on, click Save.

You can now see your saved survey on your surveys page.

Ready to move on? Next, we’ll create questions for our survey. Proceed to Performance Feedback Tutorial - Adding Questions


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