How to Report a Software License as Lost

How to Report a Software License as Lost

There may be times when you will want to mark a software item as lost. Performing this action will permanently take up a seat (you will have less licenses to loan out) and the user with the lost license will stop receiving emails letting them know they need to return the item.

This process is somewhat similar to the lost hardware process.

To report a software item as lost, use the following guide.


  1. First, navigate to your inventory

  2. Search for, and click on the ATRC ID of the software item you would like to mark as lost.

  3. From the software page, click on the Manage Licenses tab.

  4. Find the specific license you want to mark as lost and click Actions → Report Lost

  5. Next, you need to select the specific seat/checkout on the license to mark as lost. Select the correct one and then click Save.

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