How to Create/Edit Accommodations Summary

How to Create/Edit Accommodations Summary

This document describes how to create or edit an existing Accommodations Summary. This document refers to the new Accommodations Summary (from summer of 2022). Older Accommodation summaries are still available with the older form. Please note that a user can only have one (new) accommodations summary.


  1. From a client’s dashboard, find Forms and Documents and select Start New Form → Accommodations Summary to start a new form, or select Actions → View from the existing Accommodations Summary, if one exists.

  2. Fill out the form.

  3. You can add a new Accommodation Technology by selecting it from the dropdown and clicking Add Technology. After selecting it, you can add the necessary recommended for or actually used.

  4. Proceed to filling out the rest of the form.

  5. After completing the form you can click Save to save the contents and return to the client dashboard, or Save and Compose Email which will allow you to compose an email to the client with a pre-populated template. If you are composing an email you can edit the email, and add CC emails by adding a comma between email addresses. This email is sent to the client by default.

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