This article is for administrators only. It will help you understand how to manage supplies associated with labs so that seniors can keep track of their inventory.
From the administrator side, the first step is to open the Manage dropdown menu, then select the Supplies option.
You should then see something like this.
Each supply item is of a certain type. Click Manage Types at the top-right. These are essentially the units that senior lab ops will count.
Use your browser’s back button to return to the previous page. Click the green Add Supply button. You will then be asked to fill in the details for whatever new supply item you’d like to track.
Now that we know what supplies to track, we need to assign those items to individual labs so that senior lab operators can record the amount of that supply item in their inventory.
On the navigation bar, open the Manage dropdown menu and select Labs.
Then find a lab you’d like to assign supplies to, open the Actions menu, and select Supplies.
On that page, click the Add Supply button to assign the newly-created AAA Batteries supply item.
As of right now, you have to re-specify which lab you’re referring to.
Then find the supply item you’d like to add. You can type it into the search bar.
Next, fill in the Quantity and Threshold fields. Quantity is the amount of that supply that is available in that lab as of this moment. Threshold is the quantity that must be reached in the inventory levels before a supply item is highlighted in red to indicate it is time to order more.
Once you’re done, click Create. You will then be able to find that new item on the list of supplies for that lab.