(Admin) Manage and Order Supplies

(Admin) Manage and Order Supplies

This article is for administrators only. It will help you understand how to manage and order supplies associated with labs so that seniors can keep track of their inventory.


From the administrator side, the first step is to open the Manage dropdown menu, then select the Supplies option.

You will then arrive at the Supplies index page.

Only administrators will see the tabs at the top. Other users will simply see the Supplies page with no option to switch tabs.

To create a new Supply, click the green “Create Supply” button at the top-right side of the page.

Fill out the form should be very straight forward. The “type” attribute indicates whether this supply item is counted in terms of boxes, cartridges, units, etc.

Back on the main supply page, click on the new supply item to open up its details.

You should then arrive at a page like this:

To add this supply item to the labs, click the green “Add New Lab Supply” button on the left sidebar.

Select the lab you’d like to add this to. Each lab must be added one at a time.

Next, enter the current quantity in stock in the “Quantity” input. Then, enter the minimum amount that should always be in stock in the “Threshold” input.

Once a supply’s quantity falls below its threshold, it will be highlighted in red on the supplies index page.

To add an order for a supply item, click the “Add Order Info” button at the top-right of the supply details page.

You can also add order information from the main supplies page if you filter the supplies to only one lab:

Simply enter the order quantity and the date on which the supply item was ordered.

The lab supply will now show up as being on order.

If you click on the name of the supply, it will also show up as being on order in the details.


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