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Start with unit sites on October 1, 20192018

Start migration on or beforeUnitPeople Involved

Content Work Plan/ Sitemap

Kick-off meeting


  •  Oct 1
Social WorkGG, GP, JG, TH SSW sitemap


  •  Oct 8
Food Science and Human NutritionGG, GP, JG, ZHFSHN sitemap


  •  Oct 15
EducationGG, GP, JG, MPSOE sitemap12/17/18
  •  Oct 22
Health and Exercise ScienceGG, GP, JG, KSHES sitemap12/17/18
  •  Oct 29
Occupational TherapyGG, GP, LMOT sitemap
  •  Oct 15, 9:30 - 11 a.m.
12/17/18Jen at conference Oct 30 - Nov 2
  •  Nov 5
Construction ManagementGG, GP, JG, KH, DCCM sitemap
  •  Oct 18, 1:30 - 3 p.m.
  •  Nov 12
Human Development and Family StudiesGG, GP, JG, MF HDFS sitemap
  •  Oct 17, 2 - 3:30 p.m.
Nov 19-23--

Fall break - CSU closed
  •  Nov 26
Design and MerchandisingGG, GP, JG, KA

DM sitemap

  •  Oct 19, 9:30 - 11 a.m.
Dec 3-14

Content freeze and pre-launch assessment
Dec 17-21

Site launch and post-launch assessment
  •  Jan 7
Center for Community PartnershipGP, JG, CT, JGCCP sitemap
  •  Dec 4, 9:30 - 11 a.m.
  •  Jan 9
Center for Educator PreparationMP and GPSOE sitemap
  •  Jan 9, 12-12:30 p.m.


Melissa will migrate the CEP content - we'll create site and set up landing page for her.  GP is helping migrate this site.  As of 4/15 GP migrated - awaiting approval from SOE
  •  Jan 11
Kendall Reagan Nutrition CenterGP, ZH, MB, SCKRNC sitemap
  •  Jan 11, 3-4 p.m.
2/15/19Jen created sitemap / MacKenzie placed notes / ready for migration
  •  Feb 1
Avenir Museum of Design and MerchandisingJG, DB, GPAvenir sitemap
  •  Jan 24, 10-11 a.m.
3/18/19GP created sitemap.  DB and JG filled in sitemap - straight migration.
  •  ASAP
Early Childhood CenterMFECC sitemap
  •  Jan 11


Jen created sitemap and built shell for site in WordPress.Maria will migrate ECC content and contact us if she needs assistance with anything.  Jen is migrating enrollment app to a stand alone application (4/9)  Karen R. is back 5/24/19 and will work on the remainder of pre-launch edits.

  •  Feb 4

Assistive Technology Resource Center

AK, JG, GPATRC sitemap
  •  Jan 24, 2:30-3:30 p.m.
3/8/19GP created sitemap, AK will review and fill in - should have completed between 2/1-2/4.  Target "go-live" could be end of Feb.
  •  Feb 25
Human-Animal Bond in ColoradoTH, GP, JGHABIC sitemap


GP created sitemap and migrated content.  TH said they will be ready to launch May 1.
  •  ASAP
Center for Family and Couple TherapyMF, GPCFCT sitemap
  •  Jan 11


Jen created sitemap and built shell for site in WordPress.Maria will migrate CFCT content and contact us if she needs assistance with anything.

As of 5/7 GP is helping MF complete this site.

As of 5/16 SS performing final pre-launch review 

  •  Apr 10
Scenario Planning InstituteMP and GP


Melissa will meet with Thomas Chermack to figure out what content he wants to migrate to his new site.  We'll get the shell built once they've had a chance to discuss and then she'll migrate the content.  As of 4/11 site is migrated by GP - awaiting photos and review by MP and TC.  Site live!
  •  Feb 4
Legacies ProjectGGLegacies sitemap
3/15/19GP created sitemap, GG will migrate
  •  ASAP
Child Trauma and Resilience Assessment CenterMFCTRAC sitemap
  •  Jan 11
5/16/19Jen created sitemap and built shell for site in WordPress.Maria will migrate CTRAC content and contact us if she needs assistance with anything.
  •  ASAP
Campus ConnectionsMF and GPCC sitemap
  •  Jan 11


Jen created sitemap and built shell for site in WordPress.Maria will migrate CC content and contact us if she needs assistance with anything.  GP migrated site.
  •  ASAP
Prevention Research CenterMF and GPPRC sitemap
  •  Jan 11
4/8/19Jen created sitemap and built shell for site in WordPress.Maria will migrate PRC content and contact us if she needs assistance with anything. GP migrated site.

Health Behaviors LaboratoryZH

3/7/19Zara migrated.  GP assisted with some image tweaks.

Race and Intersectional Studies for Educational Equity CenterMP and GP

5/3/19As of 4/15 GP building pages.

HES - Youth Sport CampsSR

As of 5/10 BB wants to wait until camps start to launch but I asked SR if we could at least get the content migrated before GP's last day

HES - Health and Fitness ProgramsSR

As of 5/10 SR working with LB and BB to figure out the content for this site

HES - Health and Fitness TestingSR

They decided to put testing information on the main HPCRL site
  •  Mar 18

HES - Human Performance Clinical Research Laboratory and individual HES lab websites

  •  APPAH
  •  HCPL
  •  IBL
  •  MNRL
  •  PATPL
  •  SNL
  •  TRACD


GP migrated HPCRL and all HES lab websites.  As of 5/10 still waiting for HES approval to make live.

HES - First Responder Evaluation ProgramsSR


GP migrated content 4/24.  As of 5/10 still waiting for HES approval to make live.


  •  ADAPT (4/16)
  •  AWL (4/11)
  •  EDL (5/6)
  •  DDL (5/15)
  •  EFP
  •  FAIR
  •  FIW
  •  FRDL (4/5)
  •  MFRL (4/8)
  •  PHAFRL (4/11)


Still awaiting HDFS approval on many of these sites.

As of 5/7 GP is building the Emotional Dev Lab site for Karen Barrett 

As of 5/14 the EFP, FAIR, FIW, and RELATE sites are very outdated and need major revisions - they will work on these after the semester is over.  Emailed TZ on 6/25 would like to take sites offline until they have time to revamp content.  TZ approved taking her four sites offline until she has a chance to revamp.

DM - Human Factors Product Innovation LabGP


CM - Construction Management Association of America - CSU Student ChapterGP


OT - Laura Swink LabGP

Waiting for Laura to respond with content and lab/project name before we create the site.  Laura thinks they'll be ready in June or July.  GP let her know to contact Linda or me.

SSW - PCRAWL (Parent-Child Relationships and Well-being LaboratoryJG, GP
Apr 3


Samantha Brown's lab she is currently working on content.  Jen will build the shell and ask GP to place content.

FSHN - The SporksMM, ZH, JG
Apr 3
Jen will build the shell for "The Sporks" website which is a special research project website for Laura Bellows and external collaborators. Morgan and Zara will build the site and ask for help if needed.

BrainwavesJG, LM

Patti says she'll have content update in June/July once their lab moves locations.  I want to meet with her to see if we can take the existing site offline (since it's so out of date with a lot of broken links, etc.) can we just create a landing page in WP for their site with a brief description about what they do for now?  Per a phone conversation on 5/24 we removed the old site.  Patti will send content for the new site that we'll build on WP in the coming weeks.

myCHHS websites

  •  L. Carlson (delete)
  •  C. Bell (awaiting word on what files to keep on W: drive - can delete the rest)
  •  T. Chermack (delete)
  •  D. Cooner (delete)
  •  D. Greene (keep as is)
  •  G. Gloeckner (awaiting confirmation if ok to delete)
  •  G. Morgan (keep as is - Google site)
  •  M. Ozbek (migrate to WP in fall)
  •  M. Khattab (keep as is)
  •  R. Feller (migrate to WP in fall)
  •  D. Quick (migrate to WP in fall)

Web Content Managers, please review this 1-1/2 hour CMS training prior to our scheduled kick-off meeting.

We'll start each unit off with a 1-1/2 hour kick-off meeting where we'll discuss the following:

  1. Make sure you can access the CMS
  2. Give a brief review of what was covered in the recorded CMS training and some additional features that were not covered
  3. Answer any CMS questions
  4. Look at the unit's content work plan/sitemap (linked above) and assign who will be responsible for which sections
  5. Discuss any challenges and finalize the migration plan