Teams Live Events

Teams Live Events


With Teams live events, users can broadcast video and meeting content to large online audiences. Live events are like webinars and encourage connection throughout the entire engagement lifecycle with attendees before, during, and after live events via the Q&A.

If you plan to host a Teams live event for your academic unit:

  1. First, reach out to your unit communicator or the CHHS Communications Team to let them know your desire to host an event.

  2. Then, spend time reading the following Microsoft articles and the additional notes on the remainder of this page to understand the platform and the process: 

Event Group Roles

There are four key event group roles

  1. Organizer - Schedules a live event and ensures the event is set up with the right permissions for attendees and the event group, who will manage the event.

  2. Producer - As a host, makes sure attendees have a great viewing experience by controlling the live event stream.

  3. Presenter - Presents audio, video, or a screen to the live event, or moderates Q&A.

  4. Attendee - A viewer. Watches the event live or on-demand, using DVR controls, either anonymously or authenticated. Can participate in Q&A.

Event Rehearsals

Schedule multiple rehearsal events.  Be sure to read through the MS articles posted at the top of this page, learn the platform, and make sure the producers and presenters feel comfortable with their roles.

  • Agree to a protocol to mute the mic of anyone who is not speaking.  Have presenters practice muting and unmuting their mics.  Let all of the participants know that any producer or presenter can mute the mics of the other producers and presenters. (keyboard shortcut Ctrl + shift + M)

  • There can be a slight delay when the producer advances the slides to when the other presenters see it.

  • Agree to a protocol that the presenter will only begin speaking when they see their face in the video feed.

  • Make sure presenters/producers know that attendees can hear ALL of the presenters once the event is “live”

  • If your event has multiple presenters, it’s best to have a single producer controlling the content (slides) and video feeds.

  • If your event has multiple presenters sharing a presentation, it’s a good idea to build a detailed agenda as a separate document and review that during the rehearsal.

Attendee Instructions

Share instructions with attendees on how to view the live event.  Attend a live event in Teams.

  • For attendees that do not have the Teams client installed follow these steps:

    1. Click on the button that says “Watch on the web”

    2. Click on the link that says “Join anonymously” 

    3. If they join early, they will see a message “The Live Event hasn’t started” 

  • Again, attendees do not need to have the Teams client installed nor do they need to sign in to view the event.

Producer Role (things to note)

  • During the event the producer can see the number of attendees which will fluctuate as people join and leave.

  • After the event the producer and presenters can download the attendee engagement report.

  • There is a 10- to 20-second delay from the time a media stream is broadcast to when the attendees see it.

  • The producer cannot stop a live event and then restart.  If you accidently stop a live event, you have to create a new one.

Guest Presenters (things to note)

Tip for Sharing Content like a PowerPoint Presentation

  • Note: the default behavior when a presenter starts a PowerPoint slideshow is to take over the full screen which will hide the Teams Live Event window along with everything else.

  • Ask the presenter to take these steps before sharing their presentation content

    • Open the presentation and click “Slide Show” then “Set Up Slide Show” on the menu

    • Under “Show type” select “Browsed by an individual (window)”

    • Have them start the slideshow

  • Next, in the Teams Live Event window, have them click “Share” then select the “Window” where their PowerPoint presentation is showing up

  • When they share their content the Teams window will minimize down in the bottom right corner of the screen, just have them click it to make it large again.

  • Now the presenter should be able to see both their presentation window and the Teams Live Event window.


If you have questions not answered in this guide or need additional support, please contact the CHHS Helpdesk at chhshelpdesk@colostate.edu

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