4. The next action is to Initialize an array variable called ProjectType that will hold the Project Type values from the checkbox field on the MS Form
5. The bulk of the work is done in the third action in the flow which is a loop “Apply to each”
6. First grab the list of responses from the form. Format form output takes the values from the checkbox field that would look something like this "["item1","item2","item3"]" and replaces commas with pipe, left and right brackets with nothing to end up with item1 | item2 | item3 etc. Then Split previous output into Array gives us ["item1","item2",item3"].
7. We can then iterate through that array for the rest of the actions so now we’re looking at the “Apply to each 2” loop. Take the outputs from the previous step and append to array variable.
8. Next step is to determine which academic unit was entered on the form.
9. Next we determine what the current item is from the ProjectType array
10. Then determine if any supporting materials were uploaded with the form
11. If there were supporting materials the Parse JSON Supporting Materials action creates an array to pull in all the associated items for that field so that we can get the name and link
12. Next step is to create a planner task which pulls academic unit and submission time from the MS Form
13. Next we update task details for the task that was just created and we’re pulling in the project description from the MS Form and then the name and link for the supporting materials from the JSON statement above.
*If there are no supporting materials the the create task action runs same as above and update task action runs just with fewer fields to update.
14. Finally, the Post message in a chat or channel action runs placing a message in Teams and mentioning the project leads for that particular project area.
15. The last action to run is terminate to stop the flow.
View workflow run history
Double click on the workflow to see the details and run history
After a flow runs you can see the details of the flow to help troubleshoot if the flow failed
Double click on the run to open the details
The Error Details are listed on the right hand side
You can then drill down to the section where the flow failed and you can see the inputs/outputs that caused the error